Adayss Team meeting in (Bogotá) Colombia, working with partners.
Asistencia de Yolanda Castaño Del Estal ADAYSS General Manager, a la Tertulia Radio Mix FM 106.3 presentada por GUILLEM RUISaNCHEZ Director y Presentador de “Buenas Tardes Cantabria”. Tertulia ADAYSS
ADAYSS AU PAIR AGENCY LTD, is a Registered and Accredited Company in the United Kingdom. Company Number 9775066. Given at Companies House, Cardiff, on 14th September 2015.
Guards Parade at Whitehall in London with our Au pairs. Visit to the Changing the guard mounted held in Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall in the neighborhood of a few meters from the official residence of the British Prime Minister and later meeting and lunch with ADAYSS General Manager Yolanda Castaño Del Estal and our two Au […]
ADAYSS General Manager Yolanda Castaño Del Estal received in her office in Madrid (Torre Europa), our Summer Au pair Pamela Mishell Cueva Rueda to delivery her Travel Pack to go to England this summer 2015. All Adayss Team (Noemí, Lorena, Marta and Alicia) wish you a great stay and thank you for trusting our work. […]
ADAYSS partner company with the Direction of Youth and Sports of the Basque Government Gazte-txartela, offering discounts and benefits for thousands of young people have access to certain products. ADAYSS empresa colaboradora con la Dirección de Juventud y Deportes del Gobierno Vasco con Gazte-txartela, ofreciendo descuentos y ventajas para que miles de jóvenes puedan acceder […]
ADAYSS launches new Au pair Program in Australia, work as an Au pair in Australia with Working Holiday Visa. ADAYSS lanza nuevo programa de Au pair en Australia, trabaja como Au pair en Australia con la Visa Working Holiday. https://adayss.com/au-pair-en-australia/
ADAYSS is a Trademark since 13/02/2015 with the number 3551185 in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. Law 17/2001, of 7 December, of Marks. ADAYSS es una Marca Registrada desde el 13/02/2015 con el Número 3551185 en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas. Ley 17/2001, de 7 de diciembre, de Marcas. http://www.oepm.es/es/signos_distintivos/resultados_expediente.html?mod=M&exp=3551185&bis=
ADAYSS Executive Assistant Mrs. Noemí Tarreros Santiago (on the left), delivery the first numbered Certified and registered by the Agency to our Au pair Ms. Alicia Trabadelo Ibáñez (on the right), who successfully completed her Program as Au pair almost for two years in England. Doña Noemí Tarreros Santiago (a la izquierda) Secretaria Ejecutiva de ADAYSS, hace entrega del primer […]
ADAYSS first Spanish Au pair Agency to offer the Au pairs a Policy of Travel throughout the stay, which covers Health Care, Accident RC and Repatriation. ADAYSS primera Agencia de Au pair Española en ofrecer a las Au pairs una Póliza de Viaje durante toda la estancia, que cubre la Asistencia Médica, Accidentes R.C. y […]