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The Building & Learning Company Adayss S.L. Signs Cooperation Agreement with the European Atlantic University to develop Programs Educational Cooperation and Academic Performance of External Practices of University Students. La Empresa Building & Learning Adayss S.L. firma un Convenio de Colaboración con la Universidad Europea del Atlántico, para desarrollar Programas de Cooperación Educativa y Realización […]
Assistance of ADAYSS General Manager Mrs. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, to the UNIQUENESS Seminary organized by APD (Association for the Advancement of Management) in Donostia-San Sebastián Guipúzcoa Chamber and taught by Don Carlos Marín Rosser, BA in Economics and Sociology from the University of Freiburg. Group Psychotherapy Diploma of the Faculty of Medicine of Murcia and in Concourse of […]
ADAYSS member CEBEK Business Confederation of Bizkaia. Euskadi leading business organization in number of companies, associations and federations. ADAYSS miembro de CEBEK Confederación Empresarial de Bizkaia. Organización Empresarial líder en Euskadi en número de empresas, asociaciones y federaciones.
Assistance of ADAYSS General Manager Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, to the Meeting – Discussion with Professor Don Ramón Tamames on the “GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE. THE CONTROVERSY ON ENVIRONMENTAL FUTURE BLUE PLANET “held in the rooms of Hotel Bahia Santander in Cantabria. Asistencia de la Directora de ADAYSS Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, a la […]
Emotional meeting between ADAYSS General Manager Mrs. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, with Don Enrique Campos Pedraja Founder and President of CEMIDE (Highlander Research Center and Business Development) Association with a history of 40 years present in the Economy of Cantabria, in Santander Bahía Hotel. Emotivo encuentro de la Directora General de ADAYSS Doña Yolanda Castaño […]
Assistance of the General Manager of ADAYSS, Ms. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal as a guest, to the Day – Colloquium at the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria “How our Men and Women see the Economy of Cantabria the Company in 2015“ Asistencia de la Directora de ADAYSS, Doña Yolanda Castaño Del Estal como invitada, a la Jornada – Colóquio en la Cámara de Comercio de Cantabria “Como […]
ADAYSS General Manager and President of AEAAF, Ms. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, organizes with her Team Lourdes Llorca (Vicechairwoman) and Sónsoles García (Secretary), a meeting at the Eurostars Madrid Tower, to address issues on the Internationalization of the Spanish Association for Agencies, Au pairs and Host Families. La Directora General de ADAYSS y Presidenta de […]
Assistance of the General Manager in ADAYSS, Ms. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal to the Conference at the Hotel Bahia in Santander, given by Mr. JOSÉ Mª GAY DE LIÉBANA, Academician at the Royal Academy of Doctors, Head of Financial Economics and Accounting, University of Barcelona. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Doctor of Laws. Asistencia de la […]
The General Manager of ADAYSS, Ms Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, moves to Italy to visit the Italian Host Families and supervise Partners Agencies. The trip has been a success, the italian families received us in their homes, we have feel part of the family and it was fantastic to know directly the italian culture. La […]