We have strict rules from the Government to protect the Au pairs and try with lots of activities of our agency to make it even more attractive.

So this is what the families have to offer at the minimum for 30 hours per week (the Au pair is not allowed to work more).

  1. Integration as a family member.
  2. German is spoken in the family.
  3. 260€ a month of Pocket money and 50€ additional to help with the German course fee.
  4. Private room and full board.
  5. Monthly transport card (bus and train).
  6. 2 payed holiday days a month.


  1. Be between the ages of 18 and 28 years old.
  2. Being unmarried and childless.
  3. Basic knowledge of the language of the chosen country.
  4. Preferably have a minimum of 10 to 12 months in winter and 3 months in the summer.
  5. Be a citizen member of the European Economic Community.
  6. Love children and have experience caring for them.
  7. Have experience in housework.
  8. Have no criminal background.
  9. Have Secondary Education completed.
  10. Have a valid driver’s license (advisable).
  11. Be in good health and be a non-smoker.
  12. Complete the ADAYSS Application and interview process. During this process, you will be carefully evaluated on your skills, experience, and motivation for wanting to become an Au pair.

Program Benefits

  1. Au pair workshop for free.
  2. Regular events and workshops to get in contact with other Au pairs but also with other young Germans (important to make them feel at home here and to practice German).
  3. Picnic, City day trips, canoe-tour, camping, “Weißwurstfrühstück”(typical Bavarian breakfast), charity runs, newsletter, etc.
  4. Contact person during the Au pair stay in Germany in Spanish.
  5. Free relocation, only within the first 15 days of the Au pair’s arrival.

Au pair in Germany Fees

  1. Online Registration Fee 50€ (not refundable fee). Management of documentation and family search.
  2. Remaining fee when you confirm that you accept the family 350€.
  • Long term Au pairs (10 to 12 months).
  • Short term/Summer Au pairs (0 a 3 months).

Management and monitoring expenses of the Au pair Program in Europe (VAT included, does not include flights, classes or insurance).

An Au pair tells us…

El día 14 de Junio de 2015 tuve la oportunidad de participar en la carrera WOMEN’S RUN en el Commerzbank-Arena con la agencia ADAYSS, y me resultó una experiencia maravillosa. Nunca había participado en un evento de estas características y tan bien organizado. Para empezar me sorprendió gratamente el trato exquisito con todas las participantes, pues teníamos a nuestra disposición múltiples servicios de asesoramiento y consultoría sobre temas de belleza y bienestar con tratamientos y productos que podíamos disfrutar de manera absolutamente gratuita. Un recorrido genial con espectacular motivación al que pienso unirme cada vez que vuelva a tener ocasión, creo que cumplí con mis expectativas gracias también al espíritu de superación de TODAS las mujeres participantes y me gustaría señalar que por encima de todo me sorprendió gratamente el compañerismo de estas que me dio el coraje necesario para recuperar la confianza en mí y correr, correr por todas y cada una de nosotras. ¡Ven ahora a Alemania como Au pair y vive eventos increíbles con ADAYSS! Candela.