
ADAYSS  is the first Au pair Agency in Spain and now an International Au pair Agency for best quality-price for our service. We provide an ideal way for you to find the best Au pair to help with your childcare and housework.

We are a founder member of the Spanish Au pair Agency Association and we subscribe to their high standards and code of conduct AEAAF.

We use technology to enable you to register with us simply and quickly but we are still here to help you when you need us.

To have an Au pairs can be an ideal childcare solution for busy and modern families. An Au pair helps at busy times of the day and can also do some housework. Parents can then spend more quality time with their children.

Document list

  1. Online Registration.
  2. Passport or Identity Card.
  3. A Dear Family letter written in English, give details about your family, work, children school, activities, about you home, where you live, duties for Au pair…
  4. Some recent photographs of your family and home, Au pair’s bedroom…


Standards of driving and the requirements for obtaining a Driving Licence vary considerably throughout the different countries. It is the responsibility of the host family to satisfy themselves that their au pair is competent to drive the car or to have the responsibility for driving the children in their care. It is possible that some au pairs may need driving lessons. An au pair should not be held responsible for the payment of any insurance excess in the event of any accident. It is the responsibility of the host family to check that their car insurance policy will cover their Au pair.


Travel to the Host Family country is organised and paid for by the Au Pair. We provide you with all their travel details, dates, and time and arrival location. You will be required to meet your Au pair at an airport/bus station or port on their arrival into the country. Please confirm this with your new Au pair prior to travel. In exceptional circumstances where you cannot meet the Au pair in person, if she/he has to take any other transport you will pay this service directly to the Au pair once is arrive in your home.

Host Family Fees

  1. Short term Au pairs (0 to 3 months) total fee 300€.
  2. Long term Au pairs up to 3 months total fee 400€.
  3. Au pairs with high English level (up to C1 Certified400€.
  4. NATIVE Au pairs (from Ireland, Malta, Australia and USA) 500€.

Online Registration Fee 50€ (not refundable fee), included in the total price.

  1. Collecting Documents.
  2. Processing and finding an Au pair.
  3. Guide for the interview with the Au pair.
  4. Orientation and monitoring during the stay.
  5. Our service offers up to a maximum of 5 profiles. If you do not find what you are looking for, you will need to pay a new pre-registration so that we can offering more Au pairs.

How much do I have to pay the Au pair

  1. 3 hrs./day – 15 hrs./week – 80€/week.
  2. 4 hrs./day – 20 hrs./week – 90€/week.
  3. 5 hrs./day – 25 hrs./week – 100€/week.
  4. 6 hrs./day – 30 hrs./week – 120€/week.

Apart from the pocket money you should offer to the Au pair a particular room, full board and two holidays paid weeks for every six months of work. In the case that the Au pair have to leave, the replacement is free during the first two weeks, if there is a new person available.

 Letter of Invitation 

Once you have satisfied yourself that you are completely happy with the Au Pair, we will require a Letter of Invitation from you which is literally your invitation to the Au pair to come and stay with you and your family. It should include details of your family, Au pair duties, weekly payment and working hours.

Letter to the Au pair 

Write a letter to your future Au pair, tell as much as you can about your family, children, friends, pets, hobbies and interests, sports and music you like it, describe your home, if you live in a village/city, what transport do you have in your home that Au pair can use every day to move to the center, what do you do, if you have had previous Au pairs or it is going to be the first Au pair, etc. This will help us to find you an Au pair where she will feel at home.