Travel to Italy (Rome) to oversee Host families and Collaborating Agencies.

Travel to Italy (Rome) to oversee Host families and Collaborating Agencies.


The General Manager of ADAYSS, Ms Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, moves to Italy to visit the Italian Host Families and supervise Partners Agencies. The trip has been a success, the italian families received us in their homes, we have feel part of the family and it was fantastic to know directly the italian culture.

La Directora de ADAYSS, Doña Yolanda Castaño Del Estal se desplaza a Italia para visitar a las Familias de Acogida italianas y supervisar a las Agencias Colaboradoras. El viaje ha sido todo un éxito, nuestras familias italianas nos han recibido en sus casas, nos han echo sentir parte de la familia y de su fantástica cultura italiana.



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