Adayss Team meeting in (Bogotá) Colombia, working with partners.
Asistencia de Yolanda Castaño Del Estal ADAYSS General Manager, a la Tertulia Radio Mix FM 106.3 presentada por GUILLEM RUISaNCHEZ Director y Presentador de “Buenas Tardes Cantabria”. Tertulia ADAYSS
ADAYSS AU PAIR AGENCY LTD, is a Registered and Accredited Company in the United Kingdom. Company Number 9775066. Given at Companies House, Cardiff, on 14th September 2015.
The General Manager of ADAYSS Mrs. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, travel to Madrid to visit and supervise Partners Agencies. The trip has been a success! La Directora de ADAYSS Doña Yolanda Castaño Del Estal,viaja a Madrid para visitar y supervisar a las Agencias Colaboradoras. ¡El viaje ha sido todo un éxito!
ADAYSS General Manager Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, entrust the creation and production of corporate cookies Agency, La Tienda de Carola (Amelia and Carola creative Seafood Company), based in Santander. (Photo left to right: Carolina Barrilaro, Yolanda Castaño and Amelia Puente). La Directora de ADAYSS Yolanda Castaño Del Estal, encarga la creación y fabricación de las […]
ADAYSS founded in 2003, we now are based the central office at the heart of Tech City, London. The General Manager Ms. Yolanda Castaño Del Estal moves to England to settled and lives between United Kingdom and Spain to provide the best service to our customers and development of the company. We’re very proud of the people […]
¡Buenos días! Me llamo Myriam y soy francesa. Fui trabajando en Adayss durante un mes y media en el invierno 2006, como estudiante en prácticas (en el marco de un diploma de técnico superior en Francia), y fue una de mis mejores experiencias profesionales y humanas. Trabajaba allí con la fundadora Yolanda y una otra […]
Guards Parade at Whitehall in London with our Au pairs. Visit to the Changing the guard mounted held in Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall in the neighborhood of a few meters from the official residence of the British Prime Minister and later meeting and lunch with ADAYSS General Manager Yolanda Castaño Del Estal and our two Au […]
ADAYSS General Manager Ms. Yolanda Castaño, moves to England (London) to visit Partners Agencies.
Hello my name is Lydie Anne, I am French. I have worked in Spain on two occasions in the past, each time with the ADAYSS company. My first experience with them was as an intern in 2006 before becoming an Au pair for 2 months the following year. With another student we both worked on […]